Release notes: 20220207.164046

Monday, February 7, 2022 | Dr Rich Lane


Admin: Scheduled Tasks: Alpha - currently disabled.


Admin: API: Cleanup on some of the modules into one case statement.
Admin: API: Split Email into an API module.
API: Public POST endpoint now outputs JSON natively.
API: Public POST endpoint uses hash_assign so no more string handling.
Admin: Email: Emails paths now no longer require .liquid for the path name.
Admin: Email: Renamed paths to physical file path.
Admin: Email: Added template name path
Admin: Email: Template paths can't be editted (names can) so if people hardcode (incorrectly) the template name wont change and the email will still work.
Admin: General: Admin Lost password now redirects to login page after succussful reset of password.
Admin: General: Admin Lost password now uses pretty alerts.
Admin: General: GenericErrorMessage Handler in app.js now just uses both "message" and "messages" because there is no consistancy it seems on POS.
Admin: Forms: Removed unneeded data in email template query speeding things up.
Admin: Forms: Added names to workflow and autocomplete so it's easier to understand what emails are what.
Admin: Forms: Added for templates without a name.
Admin: General: Set to be the common text for no name.
Admin: General: GetEmailTemplateNamefromID graphql now requires an ID and ID is lowercase so it works with code.
Admin: Email: "None" email layouts now save as "mailer".
Admin: Email: Formbuilder now uses ID's to send emails rather than template paths which may change.
Admin: API: Users corrected some API saving to fix Jag's CRM save issue (not 100% yet).


Admin: Mailers: Correctly parse the JSON from the API call now.
Forms: Email: In some cases forms should now send emails.
Admin: Email: Layouts are saving again on emails.
Admin: General: Multiselects inits on all forms now detects if LIB has been loaded before assuming and trying to init.
Admin: General: Lost password from the admintool now doesn't produce a blank error (but still work).
Admin: General: Removed unused or old binding functions in app.js.