Release notes 20230911_14295205

Monday, September 11, 2023 | Dr Rich Lane

A lot of changes under the hood including improvement to ecommerce, dslugs, API's, and legacy code.


Admin: dslugs: Dslugs "exclude" is now exposed at the metadata level and can be used to dynamically write noindex metadata for example in HTML headers.
Frontend: Ecomm: New get cart tax function.
Admin: dslugs: Dslugs now honour publishing and expiry dates along with enabled and disabled.
Admin: General: New int array to string array function.
Frontend: General: default filters now support products and catalogs.


Admin: Ecomm: Shipping engine can now modify the entire cart in processing, mainly used to add additional orcustom information to the data set before rendering.
Admin: Ecomm: Shipping engine options can now pass in optional args (unlimited variables) in order to do what you want with the shipping and cart.
Admin: settings: Changed how settings are loaded and displayed to be more accurate when upstream provider doesn't return the correct data type.
Admin: dslugs: Dslug detection has been moved higher in the stack allowing for greater data sharing between layers.
Admin: General: Better boolean detection when upstream provider sends string instead of boolean.
Admin: Webapps: Can now view more than 10 auth policies in a related item.
Admin: Webapps: Can now view more than 10 nuggets in a related item.
Frontend: Ecomm: Depreciated ecomm calls in function now produce warnings in the logs that they need to be upgraded.
Frontend: Ecomm: Emails to customers has better boolean checking.
Frontend: Ecomm: Optimizations in shipping calculation.
Frontend: Ecomm: Name change of shopping cart token to dataot.
Frontend: Ecomm: Empty cart is now a single function.
Frontend: Ecomm: cart calculation queries optimize and speed ups.
Frontend: dslugs: Optimization and speed up of queries around dslugs.
Frontend: General: Separation of app_common for admin and frontend.
Frontend: Ecomm: Removal of legacy API code.


Admin: Webapps: UI display issue with exclude from search and priority. They are now correctly set.